Eudora 5.1 (Sponsored & Paid Modes)

  1. Open Eudora.
  2. Click Tools > Personalities.

    Tools > Personalities

  3. Right-click in the Personalities box and select New.
  4. Follow the instructions in the New Account Wizard, using the following settings:
    • Personality Name: Enter an account name and click Next.

    • Account Settings: select Create a brand new email account and click Next.

    • Personal Information: Enter your name as you would like it to appear in the From field of your messages. Click Next.

    • Email Address: Enter your full email address ( in the Email Address field, and click Next.

    • Login Name: Enter your username ( in the Login Name field, and click Next.

    • Incoming Email Server: Enter in the Incoming field. Select the POP radio button and click Next.

    • Outgoing Email Server: enter in the Outgoing field. Select Allow authentication and click Next.

  5. Click Finish.
  6. Right-click on the personality you just created and select Properties.

  7. Click the Incoming Mail tab.
  8. Set Secure Sockets when Sending to Required, Alternate Port.

  9. Click OK.